Our Post- Pandemic COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy
Background and Scope of this Policy:
This Policy Guidance was first produced in March 2020 and has since been the subject of regular updates depending on the cycles of the pandemic, which has now come to an end. However, covid infections continue to persist and hence our decision to maintain our cautionary approach so to ensure, the health and safety of our clients and staff to the best of our abilities. This Guidance is therefore intended to assist our clients and service providers with information as to how our Firm conducts its operations and practices in consequence of the current Post-COVID-19 Pandemic period and its health and safety imperatives.
This current version of our Policy Guidance is effective as of Tuesday 2 January 2024. It will be continuously reviewed and, if necessary, revised depending on changing circumstances relevant to published UK government’s advice on matters relating to Health & Safety both at work and in public places. Any such future updates or revisions to this Policy Guidance will be published on our website (www.behbahani.co.uk), which you can access at any time should the necessity arise.
Our Office Opening Hours:
Our opening hours will remain the same as before, which are:
- Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays) from 9am-17:00pm
- Closed for lunch between 13:00-14:00pm
We continue to operate on an appointments only basis. We will therefore not be able to see anyone attending our office without an appointment.
We continue to strongly urge all our existing clients and any potential new clients to limit their communications with our office by using email rather than telephonic communications. Our existing clients already have the relevant information in relation to the email address that they need to use. All potential new clients or others seeking to contact us about our services can do so by sending their enquiry to: info@behbahani.co.uk .
Respond Time to Telephone and Email Enquiries/Correspondence:
We continue with our aim to respond to all enquiries within 3 working days (not including weekends and public holidays) from the date of receipt of any enquiries. Of course, matters which are urgent will be prioritised particularly during these difficult times.
If you are unable to send your enquiry by email and have no choice but to seek to communicate with us by telephone, you can continue to do so by calling our main office number (02076440203). However, there may be a long delay before your call is answered depending on how busy the incoming lines are at the time of your call. We do therefore urge you to be patient.
Client Appointments (including initial consultation appointments):
Our aim is to continue to conduct the majority of our client appointments via telephone, WhatsApp audio or virtual meetings using Microsoft Teams.
However, we do offer restricted in-office appointments, should this be of necessity or be the individual client’s preference. These face to face client appointments will be conducted in our rearranged client meeting area at the front entrance area of our office or weather permitting on the front patio of our office. Clients/visitors who will be attending such in-office appointments are however respectfully asked to note and adhere to the following limitations:
· Maximum number of attendees per appointment is two;
· Children under the age of 18 cannot be accommodated;
· There will be no toilet facilities available for visitors;
· Wearing of face masks is encouraged and in certain circumstances specifically requested;
· Hand sanitisation is encouraged and in certain circumstances specifically requested;
· Attendees will be asked to arrive at the exact time of their appointment
Appointments Outside of Office:
Our aim is to continue with providing such appointment availabilities for our clients whom, for particular reasons relating to their matter, need to have their meetings in person outside of our office. For example, clients who are disabled and/or for health reasons cannot leave their home; clients who are in hospital or other medical institutions; clients who are detained or in prison; or clients who live in other cities or countries outside of the UK. Such appointments will be arranged on a case by case basis.
Attendance at Court and/or Tribunal Hearings:
Mr Behbahani will continue to assist clients in relation to all their court matters as their advocate. He will therefore attend any court or Tribunal hearings as necessary.
We do also note the continued use of remote/video hearings by the Courts and Tribunal and anticipate that this trend will continue as we go through the next phases of the post-pandemic era.
Duration of Applicability of this Policy Guidance:
This Policy Guidance will be effective as of 2 January 2024 and is expected to run up until 31 December 2024. However, as mentioned above, it will be subject to review and revision depending on any changing circumstances. All future changes/updates to this Guidance will be posted on our website: www.behbahani.co.uk
Updated: 29 December 2023